星期二, 6月 23, 2009

Voices of Asia - 聲影亞洲- Asia Society 2009 仲夏亞洲電影系列

sources: http://www.asiasociety.org/voicesofasia/

又是熱辣的亞洲協會精選電影! 亞洲的活力, 斑斕, 濃郁, 充滿情素和意象, 經濟政治上充斥著多元(wide diversity) 和懸殊卻又不失自我完備的體系, 絕對令人一再回味其獨特的文化元素和影象符號.

" Voices of Asia
Asia Society Summer Film Series 2009
June 18 – July 5, 2009

Asia's quest for modernity has left many excluded from the affluence unfettered development has brought. People from Kazakhstan to the Philippines continue to struggle with daily existence, yet remain stoic in their capacity to rise above misfortune. In its seventh year, the Asia Society Summer Film Series documents the region’s people and their spirit in the face of adversity.

Escape with us in this celebration of ordinary life through the eyes and lenses of filmmakers from across the world. Join us as we follow an Indian chef’s adventures in the Swiss highlands; a mute boy from the slums of the Philippines as he discovers a love for music; a single father struggling to survive in the dangerous Chinese mines; a Jordanian airport janitor who inspires kids to dream big and fly high; and a troubled urban teenager who spends an idyllic summer in rural Japan with her English grandmother.

Voices of Asia offers a universal message of hope, aspiration and the triumph of the human spirit. "
