星期三, 11月 29, 2006

YouTube 萬歲!


由印度舞bharata natyam,到狂言歌舞伎kabuki,甚至太極拳或bollywood,不算應有盡有, 但總有所獲,而且資源比google video豐富得多,連家中的老殘ibook (mac) 都可support欣賞到,始料不及.

痴戀極久的狂言歌舞伎舞踊,現在終於在youtube上如獲至寶. 推介一下: 坂東玉三郎的「鷺娘」和「藤娘」- 高質精采而完整的video, 還有英文旁白解說,非常偉大.

自選影院的年代終於來臨! 萬歲萬萬歲!

5 則留言:

thumper 說...

I am glad to read that you like the video I uploaded in Youtube. Your next blog entry talked about a book in 廣州書城 about [藤娘]. Would you mind telling me the name and the publisher of this book?

Gita 說...

Your videos are really great. Thanks so much for sharing them on net. About [藤娘], I forget the exact name of that book. As I remember, it is published by [北京舞蹈學院] in a whole series of dance textbook 舞蹈教材. The total series consist of approx 20 textbooks. One of them is about [亞洲舞蹈 (Asian Dance)]. Inside, about 4 countries' dances are introduced, including Japanese one. [藤娘] is introduced as an example to illustrate typical Japanese kabuki dance.

thumper 說...

Thanks a ton for your reply. Based on the information you supplied, I've found the book http://www.2dushu.com/item/288078.html
I will ask if any of my relatives can obtain this book for me. Do you still remember which floor you found it? Again thanx.

Gita 說...

Marvelous!!! You can finally find this book! As I remember, this series of book is located at the lowest ground floor 地庫, besides children's music books 兒童音樂書旁: "Performing Art 演藝影視藝術". Good luck!

thumper 說...

Thanks again. I will ask one of my relatives to check this out for me. BTW I have uploaded more Tamasaburo videos at youtube.